Affordable Auto Feeders

X5CD Prototype vs today

Affordable Auto Feeders

In 2008 we had a horse suffering from Insulin Resistance and Cushing’s Disease, and we learned that, like humans, diet can greatly improve current and future health and even avoid costly medications. Much of the diet information came down to varied portions and regular feedings. Our stable wasn’t convenient, so we struggled to keep the schedule and began to research automatic horse feeders, and they were expensive! Not only were they not affordable, but didn’t really fit our exact needs.

My husband, Jerry, being a bit of a creative gear-head, knew he could build something affordable that could exactly fit our horse’s dietary needs, and he was off to the drawing board. In a few weeks he had working prototype; rough but functional. A battery powered, timed feeder, that allowed us fill with the type and amount of feed and supplements we needed for the dietary schedule. Some field testing, feedback, and eventually interest and input from others at our stable helped to improve on this rough design.

We knew there were others who must be looking for an affordable automatic horse feeder, so we looked for feedback at regional horse and farming expos. By listening to other’s experiences and needs, Jerry’s pet project became much more refined. Our personal demand for a device has since become the X5CD Automatic Horse Feeder, an affordable option for horse owners with similar needs.

The X5CD has now been in the field for over a decade with overwhelming positive reviews that help us know we’re making a difference. Jerry is now on his 3rd version, improved quality and construction over the years, and even included a solar option to insure trouble-free usage, even when power isn’t available for recharging. The goal will always continue to be building a safe and affordable automatic horse feeder option for horse owners like us.

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