X5-CD can help with horse ulcers

X5-CD can help with horse ulcers

Is It True That The X5CD Feeder Can Help My Horses With Ulcer Problems?

Yes. According to equine health experts, like the AAEP, “More frequent feedings help to buffer the acid in the stomach. Decreasing types of grain that form the volatile fatty acids may help some horses. The energy from the grain can be replaced by using a feed higher in fat. In horses with lower caloric needs, free-choice grass hay with the appropriate vitamin and mineral supplements will help.”

Treating or avoiding Ulcer’s is a change in lifestyle, there is no magic pill. Small rations of food many times a day is the ideal solution. In a nutshell you need to control the stomach acids which are naturally created when digesting. A steady diet of forage into the horses stomach will acts as a cap, keeping the acids contained to the lower stomach, protecting the sensitive upper stomach. If free range grazing is not an option then a feed schedule using Equine Automation’s CD-X5 programmable feeder is your solution, mimicking a normal grazing pattern. Say your can only get to your stable twice a day. With the use of a CD-X5 you would be able to add 10 additional meals a day, five after your morning feed and five more after your evening feed. This is only one variation, as the programming of the X5-CD can be adjusted to your specific dietary needs.

Referenced article was written by By Scott R. McClure, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS, Diplomate ACVSMR
American Association of Equine Practitioners


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